How to make your bucket list?
A bucket list is a collection of desired activities you have not done but want to do before dying. As much as it sounds saddening, but the truth is: Every human has to taste death. And all that remains, in the end, is our memories in the heart and minds of people who loved and cared for us.
Researchers, when asked the people on their deathbed about their regrets in life. They Found out that their regrets were not about the things they did. Rather, their regrets were more the things they never did in life. The fear they never overcame or the important things they never said.
These are some of the reasons exactly why one should always be focused on what they want to do for their happiness. A bucket list will always come in handy to remind you of your goals and desires. One should not only think about these things but actually make a physical copy to remind youself of the adventures you could experience in the future.
What should be on a Bucket list:
A bucket list should not only have the things which are most important to you, but it can also have the little things you want to do. It does not need to be the crazy cliched things we usually see in movies. Although do not be shy to include these things. You can write down skydiving if you want to because skydiving is an awesome experience. One can have things in the bucket list which they want to say or some experience they want to have with someone. Every person has different preferences in life.
Don’t be reluctant to put things you cannot afford. Because one day you might be able to afford all the things you ever wanted to do. Maybe even add more money to the list. It will inspire you to work harder to be able to afford these desired experiences. Add the things which you wanted to do as children.
Remember, the main purpose of a bucket list to have minimal regrets at the end of life. Because it’s not possible to not have any regrets. You are not going to take your money to your grave. So, do not be reluctant to spend money. You might have heard the famous saying:
“Your money will come back, your time will not.”
Did you work all your life just to get through it or to live it?
Eventually, the purpose is to be happier and fulfilled with your life which is unachievable without peace inside you. So, add things which will give you internal peace, e.g., go to watch a sunrise from a beautiful location. Science, research, and experience state that one of the biggest causes of peace and happiness among humans is helping others. Pledge to be nicer to everyone around you. You can also add being more spiritual or getting closer to Allah (God) to your list. Include what will make you happy.
Elements of a perfect bucket list:
A perfect bucket list reflects who you are as a person. It verifies your aspirations, insecurities, fears, and the things most important to you. To make the perfect bucket list, you will need to contemplate on yourself. Who do you want to be in your life? What do you want in your life? What is your philosophy about life?
You do not have to spend so much time on it. But remember, this article is for people who are serious about making the Bucket list. Which if you are able to complete will be the cause of happiness and wisdom in yourself. So, if you are going to do it, do it after scrutinizing these elements.
How to complete:
Whether you experience all the things written on the list or not solely depends upon how much you want it. If you desire something with enough passion, chances are, you are going to get it through the principle of Desire and Auto-Suggestion. Although, these words are self-explanatory. But if you want to learn more about these rules, read the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.”
- Helen Keller, The Open Door
“Start your plan today to set yourself free tomorrow.”
- Michael Baisden